We've moved!

I'm excited for 2013 to share with you an updated and refreshed understanding of what I do and the ways I can help you have a happier and more successful life.  If you're looking for help as an individual, family or business, come check out my new website

If you would like to be featured on the blog as a Feature Friday guest, fill out the form below.

Thank you and best wishes for 2013,

Laura Dickey


What amazingly creative things have you done lately?? 


I've always had a passion for being creative!


What is Creativity Unleashed about?

When we all unleash our creativity, amazing things happen! 


Creativity Unleashed is about:

Food, friends, family, fun!

Health, wellness, happiness and wholeness!

At Creativity Unleashed you can:

~develop your creative passions

~interact with other creative individuals on Feature Friday

~get tips on how to "wow" your guests at events


I'm glad you stopped by, and hope you'll stay for a while!

Creativity Unleashed Blog

You can visit my Creativity Unleashed blog at



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